scala - Akka HTTP api routes structure - Stack Overflow

I'm writing Akka-HTTP based REST API. As I'm new to Akka and Scala, I'm not sure what could be the best way of organize code in my project. I will have approx. 7 different entities with basic CRUD. Which means I will have over 25 routes in the API. I would like to keep routes grouped based on the entity they are logically associated with.

Introduction to Akka HTTP | Baeldung

If the HTTP method is GET, the request will be forwarded to the getUser() route. If the user does not exist, Akka will return HTTP status 404 (Not Found). If the method is nor a POST nor a GET, Akka will return HTTP status 405 (Method Not Allowed). For more information about how to define HTTP routes with Akka, have a look at the Akka docs.

Tagless final vs. akka-http routes - GitHub Pages

Note, that we don't need to reimplement those ToResponseMarshallers which are already present in akka-http, we can use them implicitly. How very nice! Now we only need to put the Marshallable constraint on our F[_] and bring the implicit function into scope, then it clicks.

Equivalent to authenticated routes in akka-http? - Stack Overflow

2. This might be a bit of a noob question because I'm only starting out with play. What is the equivalent of authenticated routes which we can find in akka-http? Below is an example of an authenticated route using akka-http. def oauth2Authenticator (credentials: Credentials): Future [Option [ScalaFirebaseToken]] = { credentials match { case p ...

An introduction to Akka HTTP routing

Taking this approach is quite helpful when starting with Akka HTTP. Let's start with our route to listing all the tutorials. Create a new file under src/test/scala (if the folders don't exist, create them) named RouterSpec: …

Authentication in Akka-Http - Knoldus Blogs

What is Authentication:- Authentication is the process of establishing a known identity for the user, whereby 'identity' is defined in the context of the application. This may be done with a username/password combination, a cookie, a pre-defined IP or some other mechanism. After authentication, the system believes that it knows who the user is.

Routes • Akka HTTP

Akka HTTP's routing DSL is at the center of most Akka HTTP-based servers. It's where the incoming requests diverge into the different parts of the implemented services. Keeping all routing in one big structure will easily become hard to grasp and maintain. This page gives a few hints for how you may want to break down the routing logic.

akka-http with multiple route configurations - Stack …

object akkahttpmicroservice extends app with service { override implicit val system = actorsystem () override implicit val executor = system.dispatcher override implicit val materializer = actormaterializer () override val config = configfactory.load () override val logger = logging (system, getclass) http ().bindandhandle (routes, …


Akka Http: Modern, fast, asynchronous, streaming-first HTTP server and client. Kalix - High-performance microservices and APIs with no operations required. Learn More Meet Akka Insights! A stand alone telemetry & observability offering. Learn More. Akka HTTP.

Route TestKit • Akka HTTP

Route TestKit. One of Akka HTTP's design goals is good testability of the created services. For services built with the Routing DSL Akka HTTP provides a dedicated testkit that makes efficient testing of route logic easy and convenient. This "route test DSL" is made available with the akka-http-testkit module.

Homepage - Akka Technologies

AKKA beschleunigt Innovationen und Time-to-Market von Produkten und Dienstleistungen für die digitale Welt der Industrie. Als Engineering-Dienstleister und Technologieberater unterstützt AKKA marktführende Unternehmen in ihrer digitalen Transformation und entlang des gesamten Produktlebenszyklus. Leidenschaft für Technologien?

Build your first API with Scala and Akka HTTP - Knoldus Blogs

Reading Time: 3 minutes. Akka is a free and open-source toolkit and runtime simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It is built by Lightbend. Akka supports multiple programming models for concurrency, but it prefers actor-based concurrency. One can integrate this library into any JVM support language.

How to build a REST API with Akka Http – Daniela Sfregola

March 7, 2016. Daniela Sfregola. In previous articles we have discussed how to use Spray to build REST APIs. Since Akka 2.4, Spray is no longer supported and it is replaced by Akka Http. This article will introduce Akka Http, the new shiny toy from the Akka Team, and provide a tutorial on how it can be used to create a simple REST API.

Accueil - Akka Technologies

AKKA accélère l'innovation et la mise sur le marché de produits et de services pour le monde industriel. Leader mondial du conseil en ingénierie et services R&D, AKKA accompagne les grands industriels sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie de leurs produits et de leurs enjeux de la transformation digitale. Digital. Automobile. Aéronautique ...

Tagless final vs. akka-http routes - GitHub Pages

Note that the final type of that will likely be something like Future[User], or in tests maybe Try[User] or Id[User], all of which should be totally marshalled out of the box.Had we used a concrete type instead of F[_] it would have worked. But it is advisable to avoid that in the hope that low-level details like this will not pollute our code where it is not necessary.

scala - akka-http: How to set response headers - Stack Overflow

I found this one post that says "In spray/akka-http some headers are treated specially". Apparently, content type is one of those and hence can't be set as in my code above. One has to instead create an HttpEntity with the desired content type and response body. With that knowledge, when I changed the get directive as follows, it worked.